This research work that analysis on the impact of public opinion on public policy in Nigeria from 2010-2012 while narrowing it down to the economic policy of deregulation or fuel subsidy removal of 2012. Broadly divided into five chapters, the work breakdown how governmental decisions are being influenced by the opinions of the people in the democracy of Nigeria. History had it that before the discovery of oil, agriculture gave Nigeria about 70% of her income until now oil has earned Nigeria a higher foreign income. Hence, this work fills the gap and age answers to questions on whether public policies are products of public opinion, the impact of public opinion on public policies and if the deregulation is a solution to poverty and underdevelopment. The system theory became the theoretical framework which deals on policy input and policy out put. A historical analysis was made on the topic was made, while the effect of public opinion on public policies were also discovered. Policies for managing poverty and underdevelopment were brokendown in the work. At the end, the work gives an insight and explains the reasons behind policy making in Nigeria and also gave possible solutions to the issue.
Background of the Study
Mobile banking innovations have revolutionized the financial services sector by o...
This study determined the effect of computer assisted instruction on the academic performance of agricultural Science students i...
Consequent upon titanic competition that has beclouded business environment of all sorts, organizations have employed myriad of...
Background of the Study
Local economic policies are designed to stimulate community development by foster...
This study examines the external debt burden and the economic growth in Nigeria. Data for the study are collect...
Background of the Study
Community policing has emerged as a critical strategy for improving security and fostering trust between law enfo...
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
Street hawking has become a prevalent form...
Practical is a key factor in engaging, enthusing and inspiring students, thus, stimulating lif...
Background of the Study
Mobile immunization clinics have emerged as a vital strategy to overcome geographical barriers and...
Other definitions place emphasis on the importance of signs and symbols, as well as the transmiss...